Community Outreach



Davenport Public Library delivers services and materials to organizations and groups out in our community! Below are some of our current offerings. If your facility is interested in these or other library services, please fill out the form below and a member of the Community Outreach team will reach out to you to discuss your organization's needs and how The Library can help support your initiatives. 

Explore your options here!



Untitled design - 2024-09-18T092404.942.png   STORYTIMES

   Library staff lead storytimes at facilities throughout Davenport in classrooms or small groups to promote early       literacy. Staff typically read 3-4 age-appropriate stories to children aged birth through preschool.







   Deposit collections are curated library materials for checkout based on interest, theme, and the needs of our           organizational partners. A collection of materials is left on-site for a pre-determined period of time for you               and your users to browse, read, and check out, and are exchanged regularly.





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   Whether you are looking for The Library to visit your facility and lead a book club, talk about books with your           community, or simply deliver books to satisfy your on-site book club, the Community Outreach                                     Department is happy to explore options and assist you!





   POP-UP LIBRAPop-up.pngRY

    Library staff will bring library cards, promotional materials, and a broad selection of library materials for your          group to browse and check out creating an in-house library experience.







    The Community Outreach Department provides a number of services specifically tailored to those living                     in senior living communities including deposit collections, pop-up library visits, personal delivery of                             requested items, and more.




  ​​​​​​Bana Community Event.png   COMMUNITY EVENTS

    The Library attends community and organizational events such as resource fairs, public indoor/outdoor                    events, block parties, school events, and more! During these events, staff connects individuals to library                    services,  shares information about library materials and services, signs up attendees for library cards, and              so much more!





Brittany Storytime (2).png   OWL COMMUNITY EVENTS 

   The Library's Outreach Wheeled Library (OWL) attends many community events such as the Freight House             Farmer's Market, Fejervary Family Fun Days, Youthfest, parades, and Library in the Park providing an                       outdoor mobile library experience.   





Please fill out this form if you are interested in any of our current offerings or starting something completely new with Davenport Public Library!